06 Roocycle Pour-A-Paver

SKU: Pour-A-Paver Category: Tags: ,

Occasionally confused with pre-cast blocks Pour-A-Paver is in fact a cast on site cellular reinforced concrete system with voids created by styrene void formers.

Pour-A-Paver Permeable Concrete Driveway 12

This type of construction offers significant structural advantages over precast concrete and plastic systems:

  • load bearing up to 40 tonnes gross vehicle weight
  • resists differential settlement
  • reduces sub-base depths
  • eliminates kerb edges
  • no reliance on grass for stability
  • optimum drainage capability

The lightweight nature of the former moulds enables us to ship economically throughout Australia.

Typical traffic related specifications for Pour-A-Paver can include:

  • vehicle parking for daily or overspill use
  • emergency access
  • maintenance access
  • highway verges and pull-ins

In addition to its ability to withstand traffic loads, Pour-A-Paver is also massively used for projects in the water environment. Tested to flow rates in excess of 8 metres per second, this self-venting paving system is ideal for armouring the following:-

  • reservoirs
  • spillways
  • storm/drainage channels
  • river and sea defences
  • swales

When combined with its ability to withstand traffic, Pour-A-Paver has a unique position in the field of Water Engineering.
